Building Server-Side Web Language Processors
Building Server-Side Web Language Processors
We all know that in the time we live everything "cool" needs to be on the web, dead are the days that the only thing you need to do to make a good project was by developing for the terminal or windows only. And as a student I would say that the courses that I enjoyed the most where the ones that got something to do with web pages, web services or just web in the name. And today's blog got the "web" word on it, so we already knew it was going to be amazing (And it was written by the one and only professor Ariel Ortiz).
The paper of this week is “Building Server-Side Web Language Processors”, That is main topic is how a course involving language design can be successfully had a web approach, meaning that the course can be cool and more rewarding than just developing something for the terminal. The main and maybe only drawback is that additional material is needed in order to achieve the goal.
Personally, I see this approach more word-ready, because the author talked about some really important points that as a developer you need to consider when applying to a job or developing a web application, security. By combining language design with other web topics (security, HTML, XML, JavaScript, JavaServer Pages, CSS, etc...) the students can get exponential more concept and knowledge that just focusing on the design part.
Finally, the point of using the web development and language design in a project can really increase the interest of student that don't have a special area of interest, because they will have the exposure to many areas in computer science that can help them understand important principles while give it them a wide range of options for what they want to focus on.
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